Evija w Hastings / Evija in Hastings
acrylic on canvas, 100 x 80 cm, 2024

Madeleine w Oranżerii / Madeleine in Orangery
acrylic on canvas, 100 x 80 cm, 2024, acquired by the Kowitz Family Foundation

Beatrice w ogrodach Fairlight Hall / Beatrice in the Fairlight Hall Gardens
acrylic on canvas, 92 x 73 cm, 2024

Maku w deszczowy dzień / Maku in a Rainy Day
acrylic on canvas, 80 x 100 cm, 2024

Rafaela I (Olga)
acrylic on canvas, 116 x 90 cm, 2024, in a private collection

Rafaela II (Asia)
oil on canvas, 170 x 80 cm, 2024, in a private collection

Rafaela III (Marta)
oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm, 2024

Rafaela IV (Asia)
oil on canvas, 81 x 110 cm, 2024, in a private collection

Wróżka / Fairy
oil on canvas, 170 x 90 cm, 2024, in a private collection

Zakonnica / Nun
oil on canvas, 180 x 140 cm, 2024

Piekło Dantego / Dante's Inferno
mixed technique on canvas, 180 x 140 cm, 2024, in a private collection

Syrena / Mermaid (Hommage à René Magritte)
oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm, 2024, in a private collection

Asia w 6. miesiącu ciąży / Asia in 6th Month of Pregnancy
oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2024

Harpia / Harpy
oil on canvas, 200 x 130 cm, 2023,

Drive albo autoportret w czarnym Jeepie / Drive or Self-Portrait in a black Jeep
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 180 cm, 2023, in a private collection

Finisz / Finish
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 180 cm, 2023, private collection

Sfinks / Sphinx
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 160 cm, 2023, private collection

Madonna z córeczką / Madonna with a doughter
oil on canvas, 200 x 120 cm, 2023

Matrony / Matrons
oil on canvas, 120 x 200 cm, 2023, in private collection

Refleksje wanitatywne / Vanitas Reflections
oil on canvas, 180 x 140 cm, 2023, private collection

Głowa Meduzy / Head of Medusa
mixed technique on canvas, 81 x 60 cm, 2023, private collection

Na miotle / On a Broom
mixed technique on canvas, 180 x 120 cm, 2023, in a private collection

Baba z gronostajem / Crone with an ermine
oil on canvas, 130 x 90 cm, 2023, in private collection

Szczątki Syrenki Warszawskiej na dnie wyschniętej Wisły / Remains of Mermaid of Warsaw at the bottom of dried out Vistula River
oil on canvas, 180 x 120 cm, 2023

Portret Patrycji z Szybem Miedzianka w tle / Potrait of Patrycja with Szyb Miedzianka in the background
oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm, 2022 – 2023, private collection

Młoda żona / Young Wife
acrylic on canvas, 100 x 81 cm, 2023, private collection

Martwa natura / Still-Life
mixed technique on canvas, 90 x 130 cm, 2023

Św. Weronika za "Kuchnią Polską" pod red. S.Bergera 1962 / St.Veronica after S.Berger's "Kuchnia Polska (Polish Kitchen)" 1962
acrylic on canvas, 80 x 120 cm, 2023, private collection

Vagina Dentata
mixed technique on canvas, 60 x 100 cm, 2023

Beatrice Cenci za Jerzym Nowosielskim / Beatrice Cenci after Jerzy Nowosielski
oil on canvas, 180 x 120 cm, 2022
"m jak malarstwo" mBank collection

Zabicie Patriarchatu / The Killing of Patriarchy
180 x 140 cm, oil on canvas, 2022, in private collection

Ukąszenie / Snake Bite
oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm, 2022, in private collection

oil on canvas, 130 x 90 cm, 2022, in private collection

Kariatydy / Caryatids
acrylic on canvas, 90 x 130 cm, 2022, in private collection

Gracze / Players
oil on canvas, 120 x 180 cm, 2022, in private collection

Autoportret jako Ewa / Self-Portrait as Eve,
oil on canvas, 120 x 80 cm, 2022 in private collection

Figura Matki / Mother Figure (Emilia)
oil on canvas, 120 x 80 cm, 2022, in private collection

Primavera albo niepokój / Primavera or Anxiety
oil on canvas, 120 x 80 cm, 2022, in private collection

Psychosomatyka / Psychosomatic (hommage à Giorgio de Chirico)
oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm, 2022, in private collection

Wychowanie / Education
oil on canvas, 90 x 130 cm, 2022, in private colllection

Druhna I / Bridesmaid I
oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm, 2022

Druhna II / Bridesmaid II
oil on canvas, 41 x 33 cm, 2022

Portret Matildy jako Madonny w Zwiastowaniu / Portrait of Matilda as Madonna in Annunciation
oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm, 2022, in private collection

Malarka i Model / The Paintress And Her Model
120 x 180 cm, oil on canvas, 2021, in private collection

Autoportret z babcią II / Self-Portrait with Grandma II
120 x 180 cm, oil on canvas, 2021

Macierzyństwo (Mama Karoliny) / Maternity (Karolina's Mother)
120 x 180 cm, oil on canvas, 2021, in private collection

Autoportret z Sinobrodym / Self Portrait with Bluebeard
100 x 180 cm, oil on canvas, 2021 in private collection

Odaliska z wibratorem / Odalisque with vibrator
140 x 180 cm, oil on canvas, 2021, in private collection

Akt z książką / Reclining nude with a book
140 x 180 cm, oil on canvas, 2021, in private collection

Wzorowa uczennica / Exemplary Student
120 x 90 cm, oil on canvas, 2021

Akt tyłem / Nude facing backwards
130 x 90 cm, oil on canvas, 2021, in private collection

Chłopiec z królikiem / A Boy with a Rabbit
90 x 130 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2021, in private collection

Autoportret z babcią / Self Portrait with Grandmother
100 x 160 cm, oil on canvas, 2021

Podejście do zieleni i błękitu nr1 (Wypoczynek na drzewie) / An attempt to combine blue and green no.1 (Leisure on the tree)
100 x 140 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2021 in private collection

Marta z psem / Marta with a dog
90 x 130 cm, oil on canvas, 2021

Autoportret z psem / Self Portrait with the Dog
acrylic on canvas, 140 x 100 cm, 2020 in private collection

Autoportret z rękami / Self Portrait with the Hands
acrylic on canvas, 130 x 90 cm, 2020, in private collection

Autoportret jako święta / Self Portrait as a Saint
acrylic on canvas, 200 x 120 cm, wooden frame, 2020, in private collection

Duch babci / Grandmother's Ghost
acrylic and gold leaf on canvas, 200 x 280 cm (diptych), 2020

Biała flaga / Liberty Surrendering
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 200 cm, in private collection

Króliczek / The Rabbit
acrylic on canvas, 100 x 150 cm, 2020

Autoportret z kwiatami / Self Portrait with the Flowers
acrylic on canvas, 100 x 180 cm, 2020, in private collection

Żaba / The Frog
acrylic and gold leaf on canvas, 170 x 200 cm (diptych), 2020, in private collection

Autoportret z psem II / Self Portrait with the Dog II
acrylic on canvas, 100 x 180 cm, 2020

Autoportret z myszami / Self Portrait with the Mice
acrylic on canvas, 150 x 100 cm, 2020

Autoportret z aniołem / Self Portrait with the Angel
acrylic on canvas, 200 x 280 cm (diptych), 2020, in private collection

Kobiecość / Femininity
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 170 cm, 2019, in private collection

Autoportret z jednorożcem / Self-Portrait with the Unicorn
acrylic on canvas, 180 x 120 cm, 2019, in private collection

Chrabąszcz majowy / The Cockchafer
acrylic on canvas, 170 x 120 cm, 2019

Zimne światła dzielnicy biurowej / Office District Cold Led Lights
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 150 cm, 2019

Pole zimowe / Winter Field
acrylic on canvas, 150 x 120 cm, 2019

Cmentarz / The Cemetery
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 180 cm, 2019, in private collection

Samochód / The Car
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 180 cm, 2019

Samochód II / The Car II
acrylic on canvas 100 x 180 cm, 2019

Kosmita / The Alien
acrylic on canvas, 180 x 200 cm (diptych), 2019

Autoportret jako Alegoria Sprawiedliwości / Self Portrait as the Allegory of Justice
acrylic on canvas, 225 x 135 cm, 2019

Konie wyścigowe / The Racehorses
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 170 cm, 2019

Gang / The Gang
acrylic on canvas, 120 x 180 cm, 2019

Autoportret / Self-Portrait
acrylic o canvas, 40x30cm, 2018

Bitwa z udziałem diplodoków / Diplodokus Battle
oil on canvas 225 x 245 cm, 2018

Walka / Battle
oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm, 2018

oil on canvas, 114 x 146 cm, 2018, in private collection

Autoportret / Self-Portrait
acrylic o canvas, 40x40cm, 2018

Autoportret / Self-Portrait
acrylic o canvas, 50x40cm, 2018

Mrówki / Ants ( Don't let me out of the house)
oil on wood, 124 x 110 cm, 2017

Śpiący faun / Sleeping Faun
oil on canvas, 63 x 123 cm, 2017

Uciekający królik / The rabbit running away
oil on canvas, 110 x 90 cm, 2017, in private collection

Różowy dym / Pink Smoke
oil on canvas, 100 x 130 cm, 2017

oil on canvas, 100 x 140cm, 2017

Sen / Dream
oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm, 2017

Kobiety / Women
oil on canvas, 110 x 90 cm, 2017

Dzień / Day
oil on plywood, 50 x 120 cm, 2017

Salon zimowy / Winter Living Room
oil on canvas, 70 x 120 cm, 2017